Monday, August 8, 2011

The Mole Sisters and the Moonlit Night

The Mole Sisters and the Moonlit Night

The world is a wonderful place and anything can happen on a beautiful moonlit night.
"La bela Luna," sang the mole sisters in Italian, and gazed up at the night sky.
"Oh look!"
"A shooting star."
"Quick -- lets's make a wish."
"Mmmm ... ... mmmmm ... MWAH -- it worked!"
"We're on the moon."
"Imagine that! Moles on the moon."
"It's a bit like home", they said, and sighed.
"Mmmmmm ... MWAH -- it worked!"
"We're home."
"And ... .. that just goes to show", said the mole sisters.
"Anything really can happen on a beautiful moonlit night. Especially to us !"